To ensure the stability of a structure, the rebars in reinforced concrete have to be held securely in place.
The Bottom Deck Chair is designed to hold the steel reinforcing bars firmly during the pouring process and featuring perfect dimensions for correct concrete cover. Bottom Deck Chairs are typically used for the bottom mat of steel reinforcing bars in a suspended slab, beams and precast panels. They are available in a wide range of sizes to suit most concrete cover requirements.
the next generation
Benefits of Bottom Deck Chairs
Enable irregular shapes for concrete structures
Can be easily fitted on-site
Accelerates construction progress
Ideal for walls, footings and beams
Stock corner bars available for quick delivery
Efficient corner solution
Why Bottom Deck Chairs are so effective
Bottom Deck Chairs have five small dimple-like features that provide minimum exposure on suspended and precast elements. The dimples also enable tie wires to be placed under the spacer for securing the reo bar.
They come in dual heights and are made from high-quality plastics so they do not rust. Bottom Deck Chairs have no clipping mechanism, and therefore fit all regular steel reinforcing bar sizes.
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